Here Are Your Bonne Mecha Finalists
We are nearing the completion of another phase of Mega Man Legends 3 fan-assisted development. The finalists have been decided, both for the Japanese devroom and the Capcom Unity devroom. Over 250 entries were received on the Capcom Unity side, and I’m pretty sure there were over 600 Japanese entries, last I heard.
Now, it will come down to the developers will decide which of these ten to use in the game. This will be decided next week, on the 14th! I’m sure the winners’ hearts are pounding right now! Let’s give them all a big round of congrats!
And also, let’s see their designs! Check them out after the break.
Scylla by Quickdraw Mcinsomnia
Donner Wels by Kobun 46 (CAP Kobun)
Floß Schildkröte by Kobun 84
Mürbe Krebs by Kobun 455
Unnamed Submarine by Kobun 1173
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