A Double-Dose of Dr. Wily Humor
The folks at CollegeHumor and Dorkly have been hard at work lately on creating video game satire, and featured in some of their recent creations is none other than our favorite mad scientist, Dr. Wily.
First up is a video of “Undercover Boss,” in which Albert joins many other video game villains in walking a mile in the shoes of their underlings…
Next up, diabolical doctors unite as Wily gives Eggm– er, Robotnik some tips on how to best utilize his robot army. Here’s an excerpt:
Dr. Wily: So, uh, what robot is defeating your robots?
Dr. Robotnik: Huh?
Dr. Wily: You know, what robot is better and beating your robots? You know, if we examine his mechanical weakness-
Dr. Robotnik: It’s, um, a hedgehog.
Dr. Wily: Excuse me?
Dr. Robotnik: Sometimes a fox, too. He can fly.
Dr. Wily: Oh that’s cool. I have to battle a super robot. You know, a Mega-man. He’s like a super robot who can steal powers and use them. But, no dude, small mammals, wow…that’s intense.
To see how this episode plays out, click over to Dorkly for the full conversation.
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