TMMN Is Off to E3
We are at the eve of the E3 Expo, where video game companies from around the globe will gather to show off their latest games for the year. And wouldn’t you know it, The Mega Man network will be in attendance! Well, I will at least, along with my pal Cheston (who assisted me back when we caught Mega Man 10 in Las Vegas). We will be driving out tomorrow morning to attend for the full three days.
Of course, Capcom has not yet announced anything pertaining to Mega Man to be shown at E3. However, should anything come up we will cover it on the spot (or, whenever the NDA clears up). While merely my own speculation, I have to imagine Capcom will be revealing something related to Mega Man. Otherwise I can’t fathom why they invited us! We will also see about getting some one-on-one time with whatever Capcom representatives may be present, and maybe bug some other gaming celebs about Mega Man. If you have questions you’d like us to look into, or other ideas, let us know!
Furthermore, even if a surprising new Mega Man game were announced, three days would be more than enough time to cover it. Therefore, I plan on covering whatever other games and hardware I can manage to get to. I will be putting my impressions and coverage on WingDamage.com.
Anyway, got a long day of driving ahead. Hopefully, here’s to a great E3!
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