Snow & The Flow Sho Cover MMZero, Yo
Capcom Unity recently held a very special Mega Man Zero event, wherein X, Ciel, the Four Guardians, and the Resistance confronted Zero over his Cyber-Elf collecting problem. The end brought about a tearful resolution, and a lesson was learned by all.
Actually, it wasn’t anything like that at all (at least, so far as they’re willing to divulge). But over on the Unity blog, Snow has posted a video from Unity member Quinn/DrunkenIronRabbit‘s The Flow Sho, wherein they attended Capcom’s community event for the launch of Mega Man Zero Collection.
They chat with fans and scope out the plethora of prizes, and even spend some time chatting with Capcom’s own Mikeeb13 and JGonzo. But rather than read about it, check it out for yourself:
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