At Long Last: The Conclusion of the “What am I Fighting For?!” Contest
It has been a long, bumpy road since first announcing The Mega Man Network’s “What am I Fighting For?!” Contest, but finally, all the pieces are in place and we can bring this thing to an end.
When Jaxel first told me about the acquisition he had made for us to use as a prize in a contest of some sort, a picture of Zero autographed by Lucas Gilbertson (who portrayed the Wily’s crimson creation in Mega Man X8, Command Mission, and Maverick Hunter X), I knew I wanted to do something special, something different. We had done trivia contests before, and I thought perhaps fanart, which had also been done before, would be too limiting.
So in the spirit of Mr. Gilbertson’s remake of Zero’s most (in)famous scene (and arguably the franchise), we decided to take advantage of this new “YouTube” thing, which all sorts of people have made really fantastic creations with. Alternatively, we were also willing to accept non-YouTube videos or even simple sound recordings.
And in the end, when the submissions were counted, there were seven, and they are as follows (note to the entrants: contact me if you want your name changed):
The Link:
Rockman 2900:
And finally, the winner, as chosen by a panel of judges from The Mega Man Network’s staff, SuperWittyName’s “Astronomic Gentlemen X Four Cinematic:”
I should add that these are not the seven finalists, but that there were seven submissions, total. Admittedly, it was a little disheartening. Nonetheless, lesson learned (hence the more traditional contest for Mega Man 10).
With that being the case, I’m sure there are any number of you wondering what the hell took so long. Besides dealing with numerous… personal circumstances, let’s say, I made it my mission to procure a small prize for each contestant who did not win the big prize– runners-up, shall we say.
So while SuperWittyName will get to take home the grand prize Zero/Gilbertson autograph, each of the other entrants will receive one Mega Man E-Tank Energy Drink as a way of saying “thanks for taking the time to enter; we really appreciate it.” Thanks go out to our staff member MainFinger for obtaining some of the cans, while JGonzo from the Capcom Unity generously donated the remainder. We will have those prizes sent out shortly.
Thanks once again to everyone who participated, and congratulations to SuperWittyName. This was a fun little experiment, and perhaps we’ll try something new again sometime. And once more, I apologize for the lengthy delay in announcing the winners, and hope you understand.
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