Kirby Krackle’s New Song is About Mega Man
For those unaware, Kirby Krackle is a “Nerd Rock Band” based in Seattle, WA. The duo writes songs about the things they love: “comic books, video games, zombies, girls and more”. Their latest song, now streamable on their site, is titled “Take it from me” and is about the blue bomber himself, Mega Man. The band had this to say about the new song:
“There are video games you grew up on, and then there are video games you were RAISED by. For us, that was the 8-bit parent we and 1.5 million other kids who loved it called MEGA MAN 2. For a long time we wanted to write a song about Mega Man but didn’t know how we were gonna do it until we wrote the opening riff and had our Eureka moment. See, if we were born in the year 20XX and Dr. Light sent us across 8 levels to kick ass, this is kinda song we would hope to have running though our headphones hooked up to our blaster arm. Just sayin. With shredding solos provided by good friend Patrick Porter, we wanted to create an-in-your-face song worthy and confident of kicking robot ass…not matter what those bastards were made of…”
“Take it from me” will be part of their new album, “E for Everyone”. The 11-song album comes with a full illustrated, 8-page lyrics booklet. You can pre-order it now for ten bucks (plus $2 S&H). They’ll also be playing a live, CD-Release show at Emerald City ComiCon on Sunday March 14th at 2pm.
You can stream “Take it from me” as well as other songs on both their site and their blog. You can also read all of the Mega Man song’s lyrics at the bottom of this post.
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