Rare Copper Rockman Statue Hits Auction Block
An interesting and pretty rare item has hit the ol’ Yahoo! Auctions: a copper-finished metal statue of Classic-styled Rockman:

As one might remember, only about 200 or so of the 3.5 inch, 3.1 ounce statues were produced for the 20th anniversary of Rockman and sold through the Japanese e-Capcom store. As of this writing, the untouched opening bid for this piece is 8,500 Yen/$95.00. Not exactly cheap, but can you really put a price on an item like this? Well, I wouldn’t have thought so, either, but here we are.
There is also a rare silver version, but if you’re not in the market for holding your breath, then you can go for this version of the Blue Bom– er, Copper Commando through Rinkya. And if anyone asks why he isn’t blue, just tell them he’s got the Needle Cannon equipped or something.
Source: Gyroman’s Auction House, via Protodude’s Rockman Corner
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