A look at Mega Man X: Official Complete Works 3D embossed cover, and hints at more

Matt Moylan, managing editor of UDON, just got back his sample copies of Mega Man X: Official Complete Works, and he couldn’t wait to show off its embossed cover to us! Though somewhat difficult to make out in the pictures below, Matt says “both X and the logo stick right out of the cover.” He also assures that Mega Man: Official Complete Works will get the same embossing treatment.

MMX_OCW_sample  MMX_OCWemboss2  MMX_OCWemboss3

Additionally, Matt also had this curious message to impart upon us: “Also, not ready to announce future art book dates yet, but if fans like the STARs on their favorite television NETWORKs to speak English then, they’d be advised to wait a bit before buying certain Japanese versions of art books. ;)” Boy Matt, I’m scratching my head over that one. Hrmn… But all the same, thanks for the sneak peak and the info!

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