Syl’s E-Can Refill 01: Mega Man and Clothing
No, this is not a rant about how Mega Man is always in underwear… This is about actual clothes with Mega Man inspired clothes. I was ready to blast how corny and foul MM clothing is and how you’ll probably get laughed at in public if you’re seen wearing it. Then I looked some stuff up… And I came to the conclusion that Mega Man clothes are actually pretty dope (add that to the fact that my wardrobe contains a MM shirt as seen to the right… Shut up*).
Here’s a list of various articles Mega Man Fans have been seen in:
- A really comfortable looking Mega Man hat, knitted with love by his girlfriend. No, really.
A bright yellow MM scarf that is (was?) being sold for 150 bucks. Again, another one-of-a-kind.
A girl donning a 20th anniversary shirt signed by Inafune.
The MM9 boxart. It’ll invoke conversation about Mega Man, that’s for sure.
You beat all 8, huh? They probably haven’t even made it to the Wily stages.
Another custom-made shirt. Air-brushed goodness.
Step your shoe game up! ‘Electric Blue’ lo-top Pumas? Yes, please.
I honestly don’t think even women would wear this. Some dudes will like the boobs, I guess.
Pretty straight-forward and to the point.
A basic Capcom shirt. That’s a shot of the back of mine. Doesn’t seem to be made anymore, though.**
Ginrei basically wins the competition for best hat, hands down (heads up?).
A word of advice, though. DON’T do the iron-on transfer from a printed out picture. They ruin very quickly and your don’t want to be out in public wearing this or this.
And there you have it. A Mega Man style guide. Really, Mega Man fans have it good compared to some other brands. I mean, Disgaea is cool and all, but you’re not going to catch me in a XXXXXXL Fatlus shirt.
* I just remembered I have a wristband or two that has MM on it, SMH… And a bunch of other stuff I thought was cool when I was 14.
** I got this from pre-ordering BN4… I guess they felt sorry for me and threw in a free shirt.
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