Syl’s E-Can Refill 01: Mega Man and Clothing

Syl in his fresh MM shirtNo, this is not a rant about how Mega Man is always in underwear… This is about actual clothes with Mega Man inspired clothes. I was ready to blast how corny and foul MM clothing is and how you’ll probably get laughed at in public if you’re seen wearing it. Then I looked some stuff up… And I came to the conclusion that Mega Man clothes are actually pretty dope (add that to the fact that my wardrobe contains a MM shirt as seen to the right… Shut up*).
Here’s a list of various articles Mega Man Fans have been seen in:

A word of advice, though. DON’T do the iron-on transfer from a printed out picture. They ruin very quickly and your don’t want to be out in public wearing this or this.

And there you have it. A Mega Man style guide. Really, Mega Man fans have it good compared to some other brands. I mean, Disgaea is cool and all, but you’re not going to catch me in a XXXXXXL Fatlus shirt.

* I just remembered I have a wristband or two that has MM on it, SMH… And a bunch of other stuff I thought was cool when I was 14.

** I got this from pre-ordering BN4… I guess they felt sorry for me and threw in a free shirt.

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