Star Force 3 Pick-Up Reminder
Hopefully, most of you catch this before you go out, today. Because the Star Force games are not first party games (Like Mario & Pokemon are to Nintendo or Halo is to Microsoft), and also because they don’t generate insane amounts of hype (like Grand Theft Auto IV, Street Fighter IV), you most likely are not going to get Star Force 3 today.
Yes, today is the 30th, the release date. That really should serve as a “ship” date, or the date that most stores receive the games. That simply means that the game will be ready for pick up tomorrow, July 1st.
You can still call the store you pre-ordered or plan to pick up from and check if they got the game today. The most likely situation is that you’ll have to wait until tomorrow, so don’t freak out if they told you they don’t have it today.
Official Capcom press release (which confirms the game ships to retailers today):
Two Versions of the Game — Black Ace and Red Joker — Double the Possibilities
San Mateo, Calif — June. 30, 2009 — Capcom®, a leading worldwide developer and publisher of video games, today announced that Mega Man Star Force ® 3 (MMSF3) for Nintendo DS™ has shipped to North American retailers. Mega Man Star Force 3 comes in two different versions, Black Ace and Red Joker, allowing friends to share unique items and powers utilizing the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, enhancing their individual characters. Mega Man Star Force 3 is rated E for Everyone by the Entertainment Software Ratings Board (ESRB) and carries a suggested retail price of $29.99.
As in the previous games, Mega Man Star Force 3 is a unique blend of an action and role-playing game (RPG), combining the high intensity combat that is the hallmark of Mega Man® games with Star Force’s strategic battle system. By defeating enemies and boss characters, players earn “battle cards” that enhance and evolve Mega Man’s abilities and attacks.
New to Mega Man Star Force 3 are “Noise Changes,” random enhancements that change Mega Man’s form and unlock new abilities. The two versions of the game, Black Ace and Red Joker, each have over 100 unique Noise Types that can be combined with Mega Man to unlock elemental powers based on earth, air, water and fire. The new Noise feature will add an exciting randomness to battles, encouraging players to explore, collect and battle across the digital world of Mega Man Star Force 3.
In Mega Man Star Force 3, players travel between the physical world and the digital world via electromagnetic waves that form “wave roads.” Geo Stelar, the protagonist of the game, can see these wave roads by using his unique “visualizer” tool. Once in the digital world, Geo can merge with the electronic life-form known as Omega-Xis to become Mega Man. The wave roads are being overrun by mysterious “noise” that change the player’s environment and powers in different ways. This noise is being generated by an approaching gigantic meteor that threatens both the physical and digital worlds of Mega Man Star Force 3, forcing Geo Stellar and his crew to fight the oncoming threat to save two worlds. Fortunately, Mega Man discovers that he can control the Noise, using the new “Noise Change” system to transform into many different forms, including the ultimate “Black Ace” or “Red Joker” forms.
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