Star Force 3 off the air in Europe?
As we near closer to the release of Mega Man Star Force 3 in North America, something had seemed funny to me. There have been no formal announcements of Star Force 3 coming out in the European region. Sure it’s true that Mega Man games tend to arrive to Europe delayed – Star Force 2 was finally out nearly a year after its initial release in Japan – but the games are still announced, delay or otherwise.
When E3 came and passed earlier this June, both Capcom USA and Capcom Europe presented the same press materials, except the European press site was quietly devoid of any mention of Star Force 3. This eventually prompted me to shoot an e-mail over to Ben Le Rougetel, a member of Capcom Europe’s PR, to ask about the fate of the title.
The response I got this morning: “I am sorry to say that currently there are no plans to release this title in Europe.”
So at least for now, it appears Mega Man Star Force 3 won’t be coming to Europe. Of course, Capcom Europe could always decide to announce it later should they see fit to. If you’re living in Europe and have really been waiting for Star Force 3, now’s the time to speak up and show your support!
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