Capcom Still Has More Surprises in Store for E3
The past few days have been abuzz with news from Capcom, though precious little of it has had anything to do with Mega Man. Sure, there’s Marvel vs. Capcom 2, which features the Blue Bomber and his sister, plus Tron Bonne and the Servbots, and there’s Dead Rising 2, which may or may not contain cameos as its predecessor did.
Otherwise, there hasn’t been a drop of Mega Man news– not even anything for the English release of MegaMan Star Force 3. However, there is still hope as we look ahead to June’s Electronic Entertainment Expo.
A post on Capcom’s Twitter account was made in response to another user’s compliment as to the variety of games Capcom announced. They in turn replied “You think we have great titles now? Wait ’til we announce two more at E3!”
Now, I wouldn’t get my hopes up– there could very well still be nothing regarding Mega Man (save for maybe Star Force 3) at the show. Nonetheless, at least that should be enough to give us a little optimism for another month.
Source: Kombo.com
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