*UPDATE* Seth Killian on new MM: “You’ll be waiting a while”
This past weekend held the GameStop Street Fighter IV National Tournament in San Francisco, where Seth Killian, Capcom USA’s community manager, was present to give play-by-play commentary on the unfolding matches. MMN viewer Christian was present at the event, and got a chance to chat a little bit with Seth.
First of all, Seth is still adamantly quiet towards the fabled “Mega Man 9 secret,” as would be expected. Christian then asked what Mega Man games we could be looking forward to besides the summer-bound Mega Man Star Force 3. According to Christian, Seth’s response was merely “You’ll be waiting a while.”
Of course, this isn’t hard to believe. We already have been waiting a while. Nevertheless, we will try to make confirmation with Seth and see if we can perhaps get some clarification. And of course we’ll be keeping our eyes peeled to CAPTIVATE ’09, just in case.
Thanks for the tip, Christian.
UPDATE: We received word from Seth concerning the comment. While he does not recall the specific conversation, he was incredibly busy at the event and it likely could have happened. Regardless, he does condone the idea, so if he didn’t say it then he’s certainly saying it now. And in his own words, “Of course as to how long ‘a while’ might be, I have no comment :)”.
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