GameStop Delays MegaMan Star Force 3 Release

Unfortunate news for fans of Geo Stelar and his band of merry FMians, as GameStop has unfortunately pushed back their pre-order release dates for the third entry in the MegaMan Star Force series. Now, rather than showing a June 9th release, their page instead indicates that the games will arrive a few weeks later, on June 30th.
Meanwhile, Amazon.com does not presently seem to have a listing prepared for the title, and so we are unable to use it to substantiate GameStop’s change of release date. Elsewhere, Capcom’s press center only shows “Summer 2009” as the time of the game’s release, with no more specific date given, and no entry in the Mega Man branch of their online store.
If we learn anything more about the game’s release date, we’ll be sure to keep you informed.
Source: GameStop, via Protodude’s Rockman Corner
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