Mega Man comes to iGoogle
Looked in my inbox today to find some mail from Capcom’s PR. You can now use Mega Man and Street Fighter themes to customize your iGoogle page, if you’re savvy on all that. Check out the links in the mail segment below to automatically swap your theme.
We’re excited to announce new Mega Man and Street Fighter themes for iGoogle.
Fans can now create even more personalized iGoogle pages with Capcom themes celebrating the iconic brands, Mega Man and Street Fighter. Starting today, iGoogle invites you to update your iGoogle page with your favorite characters from these beloved video game franchises.
If you’d like to try this out right now, follow the links below and add your theme automatically onto your very own iGoogle page:
Many iGoogle themes rotate between different appearances each day, and the Mega Man theme seems to be no exception. Today is a Hornet Man style, which is appropriate now with it being spring and all and my allergies murdering me. Need an E Tank!
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