Where are the Mega Man 2 Bosses Now?
As is the trend these days, The Minus World has opted to take a look back and see what happened to those unsung celebrities of the 80s: Namely, video game stars.
In this particular instance, they’ve opted to find out whatever happened to the cast of Robot Masters which helped raise Mega Man’s star to the level of a supernova. While the Blue Bomber has continued to persevere, Wood Man, Quick Man, and the rest have had to find other ways to make ends meet.
Such as our very own staff member, Heat Man. When he’s not busy updating enemy data in the Mega Man Universe or adding music to our archives, he apparently works alongside former Vice President Al Gore in order to work against global pollution and usher in an age of Green Energy.

Clearly, no one bothered to ask him exactly what kind of fire it is he surrounds himself with, or else I’m sure they’d have politely shown him the door.
As for the rest, you can find out what niches in society they’ve managed to fill over the past 18 or so years when not making the occasional cameo here.
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