Wanna enter the boss contest?
With my last update on the boss contest, a handful of people were wanting to enter. This isn’t uncommon, I’ve supported us gaijin entering the contests for a while now. So, here’s what you need to do.
First, as in the before post, you need to create a design with a name, attacks, other special characters, and your preference of what the next Rockman game is. Since chances are you can’t write in Japanese, you might want to keep the descriptions simple, or try to illustrate them. Then on the back you need to provide the following information: your name, age (school year), home address and phone number. If you’re feeling insecure about it, omitting the phone number should be fine in my opinion.
Once your all done with that, youe entry will be address to:
Shogakukan Monthly CoroCoro 2
“Rockman Boss Character Contest”
Post Office Box 93
Kanda Post Office
Tokyo 101-8023
To ensure it reaches its destination, you may also want to put the address in its Japanese format:
Toukyou Kanda Yuubinkyoku Shishobako 93
Shougakukan Gekkan CoroCoro Comic 2
“Rockman Boss Character Contest” Kei
Now, the deadline is February 13th. Once you have your letter ready, you should check with your local post office for delivery time and postage cost. International mailing can be a little pricy, especially if you need it to get there fast.
While I must admit that it’s very seldom for foreign entries to even place in these contests, I wish all those who enter the very best of luck. And, as a bit of an example, here’s Ryo Takamisaki’s sample drawing of his character Ghoston. Looking at this design, I really can’t imagine what sort of Rockman game is in the works!
Thanks goes to Fireman for the information and picture.
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