“Mega Man 9” Soundtrack Available at Capcom Store

In addition to a new Darkstalkers Graphic File book from Udon, Capcom has brought forth delightful news for all the little Mega Boys and Mega Girls out there who so love Mega Merchandise.
Though not in stock just yet, Capcom is taking preorders for the “Mega Man 9” soundtrack, which you can find in their store here. So why the quotes? Simply put, as is in evidence by the cover, this is actually the soundtrack for Rockman 9, the Japanese version, meaning that all the bonus content included (liner notes and 10-page color character art book) is in Japanese.

If that doesn’t deter you, then you’ll want to know that there are 35 tracks in all, produced by Inti Creates, and that it will be available on January 19th for $29.95. Ouch. Sounds just a touch steep, but then, this is an import item of something we’d probably never get anyway. Still, a tad rich for my blood. I wonder what import shop prices are like?

In any case, perhaps if Capcom receives sufficient support on something like this, maybe someone will step forward and start producing English versions for a more affordable price. Not that anyone at Capcom has suggested stuff, that’s just sort of conjecture on my part.

News Source: Capcom*Unity

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