Will You Be Lucky Enough to Score a Mega Man 9 Press Kit?
That’s the question on everyone’s mind, after Capcom revealed the coveted item.
Now, according to Snow on the Capcom*Unity, the sets have come in and they are giving out codes to select Capcom*Unity members which makes them eligible to order the kit.
We still have more codes to give out, so check your messages frequently! Show us you’re a Mega Man fan through ‘n through. Aside from giving out more codes, we’ll be making a few available through the store in time. You may find it hidden in the store now, but it’s priced extremely high. Don’t worry though, those receiving codes are getting a major discount. Which is a far cheaper price than you’ll find anywhere else.So if you’re still hoping for a code to get your hands on one of these cartridges, there’s still hope! Be an active fan here on Unity, and you may win our hearts!
The “anywhere else” referred to is, of course, eBay, where as of this writing, a full press set (which includes the also-coveted Mega Man 9 boxart t-shirt) is available, with bidding up to $510 and 4 days and 17 hours left on it.
Incidently, what isn’t mentioned in the blog post is that the offer is only good for those within North America. So if you’re from outside those borders, perhaps you could give away your code to someone in need… or conversely, maybe even sell it.
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