Penny Arcade Does Mega Man 9
Those who appreciate the efforts of Jerry “Tycho Brahe” Holkins and Mike “Johnathan Gabriel” Krahulik with Penny Arcade may find today’s strip (well, yesterday’s now) to be amusing, if not just something that makes you smile. Of the comic, following commentary was added:
In the steel womb of our sunken laboratory, we have discovered an odd principle. You’re welcome to try it for yourself. Of course, this assumes that you are old enough to become young. If you are only twelve when you begin playing Mega Man 9, please be sure that someone is there to care for the resultant fetus.
And for those particularly enamored with the strip, Gabe was courteous enough to offer up a wallpaper-sized version for fans’ perusal. Sadly, it omits the Mega Man 9 reference.
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