OtaRockman 2008 Panel: Cheers to 21 Years of Mega Man
As we had mentioned earlier, Otakon 2008 beheld a new panel this year, “Cheers to 21 Years of Mega Man.” The nearly hour-long panel ran from 4pm to 4:50pm on Friday, August 8th, and was hosted by Ryouko, from Rockman.EXE Online; Terra Stardroid of Stardroids.net; Ruby of Purple Ruby Red, RoboNyaNya, and myself, Lord Black “Nytetrayn” Draco, with our own Tabby (in full Model Z guise) helping to assist us with the audience mic.
Put together at the 11th hour, things went off pretty well, all things considered. We came, we saw, we gave a brief summation of each series, we answered questions, and at the end of it all, we raffled off a ton of kick-ass prizes, including (but not limited to) a copy of The Mega Man Zero Official Complete Works, graciously donated by UDON, and an Mega Man t-shirt and sketch, each autographed by none other than Keiji Inafune himself, generously donated by Seth Killian of the Capcom*Unity. However, the downside is that thanks to the inadequacy of UPS and their inability to live up to a two-day delivery (or leave a notice they’d ever been here), the latter two prizes didn’t make it here in time, and were reportedly on their way back to Capcom. To our winners, Fred and Rebecca: I haven’t forgotten; as soon as Seth gives me the word that they’ve arrived back safely, I’ll give him your information so you can get your goods.
Finally, thanks to the efforts of Hardcore Hecxz, we have video of the event. You can download it in its entirety here, or check it out on YouTube, as seen at the links below:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
And with that, I just want to thank everyone who came out to see us and made the panel a success. With any luck, we’ll be fortunate enough to do this again next year, and we hope to be able to prepare an even better panel than this year’s. Maybe we can procure some more prizes (wouldn’t it be awesome if the M20 book UDON announced at this year’s were out by then?), with some of them actually getting there on time. Huge thanks to Otakon for letting us show our stuff; to UDON and Seth Killian of the Capcom*Unity for their excellent contributions, and to Capcom and Keiji Inafune, without whom none of this would have even happened.
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