Mega Man Battles Leukemia: 48-Hour Marathon to Raise Money
The real world is cruel, sometimes. When you have someone in need, but you’re really not able to lend a helping hand, you can sometimes have that sense of not being useful at all. That didn’t stop a group of friends wanting to help a young boy have a fighting chance against cancer.
Starting August 29th, a young man named Chuck, his older brother, Kyle, and a friend, Arrol, are planning to have a 48-hour Mega Man marathon and will take pledges from fans and viewers to raise money for the Children’s Cancer Foundation.
Head on over to Chuck’s Mega Marathon Man website and read up on the event. We’ll be sure to remind you of the event right before it starts to gear up. Also, if you have any fan art you’d like to contribute, please check out their fanart page for more details!
Source: s-kill’s blog :: Mega Man Battles Leukemia
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