Mega Man Zero Official Complete Works Coming May 28th: Previews Now
After a long, long wait, the time is finally nigh; Capcom has begun taking orders for the long-awaited Mega Man Zero Official Complete Works artbook, and now we officially have a date: May 28th is when we should all be able to get our grubby little paws on it.
In addition, we’ve been enlightened as to one reason for the slight delay: At the last minute, it was decided to give the book’s cover a special foil treatment, which we are told looks, in a word, “awesome.”
And as a special thanks for our patience, UDON has passed along a special preview of the book, which you can find through the following links:
So there you have it, and bear in mind, your support for this project may just help UDON to get some other books to make the trip; after all, if it doesn’t prove viable, then there’s really not much other incentive, is there?
And if Capcom’s website is too inconvenient for you, there’s also Amazon.com, and maybe even your local comic book shop, Barnes & Noble, Waldenbooks… ask around!
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