Rockman’s Coming of Age Party
Want a new Mega Man series? Make more fan-music.

The little guy hardly looks like he’s going on 20.
This past weekend held the Rockman 20th anniversary event in Tokyo, Japan. The event was seemingly met with a large reception, as people hustled in to play a variety of Rockman games from the original Rockman to demos of the upcoming Ryuusei no Rockman 2, take pictures of a number of hanged Rockman artwork with their cell phones, and of course buy merchandise.
Series father Keiji Inafune also took the stand to talk about how it amazes him that a game he worked on twenty years ago when he was new to the video game industry and wasn’t sure what he was doing can still have so many big fans. He then went on to answer questions from the crowd, explaining such things as how the boss character contests starting in Rockman 2 were part of a response to the original Rockman’s weak sales at the time, though the volume of entries and later sales showed the opposite.
Keiji also expressed his great enjoyment of the fan-made song “Airman ga Taosenai” as a song and a symbol of fan appreciation. Finally, he ended his talk with the audience by thanking them for their great and continued support. He also mentioned that he wants to make a new Rockman title that doesn’t follow the EXE/Ryuusei line, and perhaps he’ll get back to the fans about its early stages soon. The audience met this statement with great acclaim.
News Credit and more photos: Dengeki Online and Famitsu
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