Updates on UDON’s Mega Man Ventures
Been wondering when that next awesome Mega Man manga is coming out? Or when some new reprints are going to be filled? UDON’s Matt Moylan has contacted us with the low down.
Mega Man: Robot Master Field Guide:
This project has been through a lot! It turned out to be a lot more work than expected, has got through a couple total overhauls, and also had a lengthy approval process. But the book is now completed. We have rescheduled the book for January 2012. It could be ready a bit earlier, but because the book is so late we want to give comic shops the chance to adjust their orders on the book. (As a little background, comic book shops cannot return most unsold books like big chain book stores can, so shop owners appreciate being able to adjust their orders on a late title. “Mom & Pop” comic shops are still a big market for UDON, so we want to take care of those folks when we can.) Thanks all for being patient on this fun little book!
Mega Man Gigamix Vol. 3:
The final book in Hitoshi Ariga’s ultimate Mega-manga series is now at the printer. It’s expected to hit stores early November. A more precise date and previews will be coming closer to the release.
Mega Man: Official Complete Works:
Mega Man Zero: Official Complete Works:
We are reprinting both of these titles, and they’ll be back in stock before the end of the year. So don’t pay any crazy reseller prices! 😉
Mega Man Tribute:
Just a note, if you haven’t picked up this book and want a copy before X-mas (for yourself or for a gift) I’d suggest to you order early. Due to some miscommunication, our printed shorted us on this title about 20% less than we wanted for the first printing. We do still have a decent amount in stock, but that could sell out quick closer to the holiday season. Whenever MM Tribute sells out we will do a new printing, but it’s not likely to make it in time for X-mas, so just a heads up!
Finally, Matt notes that: “Also, we have a few new Mega Man projects in the works! Hopefully we can announce some of them soon. Thanks all!”
If you have any additional questions on the matter, comment them in this post and we’ll send them Matt’s way. He may even drop by to address them personally! Thanks Matt!
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