Mega Man #12 Cover and Solicitation
Mega Man has now turned 24, and what better way to celebrate than with the cover reveal for March 2012’s 12th issue of the Archie comic book, which concludes the Mega Man 2/”The Return of Dr. Wily” story arc? (Don’t answer that– we all already know the answer, anyway.)
And what a cover it is! In fact, we love it so much that we can’t even bear to spoil it at all by posting a thumbnail here, so you’ll just going to have to look below to see it! After the solicitation, that is:
Written by Ian Flynn, art by Ben Bates & Various, cover by Patrick Spaz Spaziante.
This is it, the grand finale of “The Return Of Dr. Wily!” Dr. Wily has hidden himself in his latest fortress and surrounded himself with killer robots as he plots his counter-attack. Can Mega Man breach the defenses and stop the mad scientist in time? Maybe not alone — but the Original Robot Masters have got his back! It’s all-out robot warfare in the explosive conclusion!
32 pages, $2.99.
Source: Comics Continuum, via Merricks

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