Ben Bates Handling Art Duties for Third Mega Man Comic Story Arc
While no official announcements or solicitations have been forthcoming for any issues of Archie’s Mega Man comic beyond the eighth issue, at least one little bit of information has managed to sneak its way to us.
According to a comment from his blog, Ben Bates will be handling the line art for the third story arc of the Mega Man series, which should run from issue #9 through issue 12. Some of you may already be familiar with Bates’ take on the world of Mega Man, thanks to his Fire Man Villain Variant cover for the third issue of the series. In addition, he created this piece to help raise money for tsunami relief, and this one when he first heard the book was announced.
With the second arc wrapping up the story of the Mega Man Powered Up Robot Masters, it is also worth noting that Bates may have the pleasure of rendering the comic version of events seen in the Mega Man 2.
Thanks for the tip, Wilyman!
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