MML3 Programming Director Interested to See Support (Updated)
It’s been a non-stop rush for the fans to kick start Mega Man Legends 3 again, but how do the developers themselves feel about it? While they would naturally have to be quiet on the matter, given their position, I think it’s safe to say they’re behind the movement as well. Andriasang reports that MML3 programming director Yoshiyuki Fujikawa is offering fans a “feeling of support” over Twitter and is interested in seeing how things go:
While saying that he’s not in a position to wish petitioners good luck, he said that he will offer a feeling of support. He also appears to have a positive outlook on the chances of the petition getting notice, saying that perhaps the message will get through if fans show a lot of interest. He also recalled an instance when such fan activities lead to the release of a Nadesico DVD.
Indeed, Mr. Fujikawa does not even mention Rockman DASH 3 by name (though his Twitter avatar certainly shows support, heh). It would be a major conflict of interest for the people at Capcom to openly rally for us. Still, Mr. Fujikawa’s comments show that Capcom is hearing us and paying attention.
To everyone out there showing support, and I know there are thousands of you, keep it up. Make yourselves heard and get others on board. While things can look bleak, you might be pretty surprised the power you have if you focus it. Don’t forget this.
Update: Following the public exposure to Fujikawa’s statements, it appears he’s removed his Twitter account. As mentioned before, one of his final messages indicated he was speaking from the perspective of a customer, and felt his statements may have invited misinterpretation.
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