Play with Aero, Check Devroom Updates
Here’s a really fun way to spend five minutes. Capcom of Japan has put up an embedded model viewer of Aero’s in game model, which you can spin around and zoom to any position of your liking. It’s like getting to have a taste of the 3DS before the 3DS is even released! Of course, this particular model doesn’t seem to have any active shaders (wow, I learned something from that previous report). Hopefully we’ll get more models to peruse soon.
The Devroom is currently getting various other updates as well. Both Yamanaka and Uratani have posts concerning integrating voice acting into Legends 3. Kinako also chimes in reminding that the Reaverbot design contest winner and runner ups will be announced this coming Monday, the 14th. And finally, rocket completion status is up to 13 percent. A nice bit of progress, but we still have a long ways to go!
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