Jazwares Is At It Again
Toy manufacturer Jazwares has had an on and off relationship with Mega Man over the years. As far back as 2003 or 2004, they’ve ambitiously promoted various lines of Mega Man figures, including traditional figures, the much loved Retro Roto series, and most recently the JUVI series, only to quietly end production while leaving additional series of announced figures unreleased. In the case of the JUVI series, we were supposed to get Cut Man and Elec Man earlier this year, but nothing came of it.
Whatever problems Jazwares has faced, however, they aren’t letting it keep them down. In a press release this weekend, Jazwares announced they received license from Capcom to produce Mega Man and Street Fighter themed figures to release in 2011. The license grants them the “master toy licensee for Mega Man.” There is no information yet concerning if this will be the continuation of a previous figure line, or perhaps something all new, though Street Fighter will be receiving a new line of 3.75″ figures releasing in the Spring.
Hard to say where this will go, considering Jazwares’ track record with Mega Man. But if they’re good figures, then let’s hope for the best. Check the break for the full press release.
Thank you, James and Alexx!
Jazwares, Inc., a leader in the consumer products marketplace, has been awarded the toy licenses for Capcom’s Street Fighter® and Mega Man® video game franchises. Under the terms of the agreement, Jazwares will be the master toy licensee for Mega Man. The Street Fighter license is a category-specific agreement that covers only the categories of Boys BS/PVC/Vinyl figures and accessories, 4-inch and under playsets and vehicles.The Jazwares’ team of design experts have built a reputation for producing true-to-life toys that bring action-figure play to kids and collectors alike. In 2011 they will translate two of the most popular iconic video games into new collections for the fall.“We are extremely excited to put a new punch in the popular Street Fighter and Mega Man brands with all new action figure collections for the next generation of fans,” said Laura Zebersky, executive vice president sales, Jazwares.
“We’re thrilled to be on board with one of the premiere action figure design teams to help take our iconic characters from the arcade screens right into kids’ and collectors’ homes,” said Joshua Izzo, Director of Licensing of Capcom.Capcom pioneered the fighting games genre with Street Fighter, one of the most successful fighting franchises in the world, selling over 25 million copies to date. Throughout its twenty-five year history, Street Fighter has continued to develop and successfully reinvent itself in the gaming industry.
The spring Street Fighter™ 2011 toy line by Jazwares will include all new 3.75” action figures. Available in single packs, double packs and comic book battle packs, the toys will portray the characters of Street Fighter like no kids or collectors have ever seen before.
Created by Capcom in 1987, Mega Man is one of the most iconic video game characters in the world and starred in more than 140 different games. Mega Man collectively sold over 29 million copies worldwide. Mega Man® 9 and Mega Man® 10 brought the reputation of the franchise back by recreating the classic game and graphics of the original Nintendo release.
Capcom and Jazwares team up in spring 2011 to combine classic entertainment with an all new line of kid and collector action figures, allowing kids and parents to continue the adventures of Mega Man at home.
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